

EstheGlow Single Pack

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EstheGlow Single Pack
Product Details
Brand: BeauteScience

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ESTHEGLOW™, an east meet west revolutionary, oral skin lightening supplement, combining Western dermatological science and ancient eastern beauty philosophies, created with a unique formulation and cutting-edge technologies to protects, repair and brighten, revealing youthful and fairer skin.

Contains Dendrobium Officinale extract, which is rich with polysaccharides which possess excellent moisturising effects 1 ; and contain Stilbenoids compounds which notably reduces melanin formation by inhibiting an enzyme involved in its production 2 ; . Its benefits included Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) protection, skin whitening, anti-oxidant and anti-ageing.

1. Linghong Guo, Jinxin Qi, Dan Du, Yin Liu & Xian Jiang (2020) Current advances of Dendrobium officinale polysaccharides in dermatology: a literature review, Pharmaceutical Biology, 58:1, 664-673
2. Yu Zhu et al (2017) Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel dihydrostilbene derivatives as potential anti-melanogenic skin-protecting agents, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 143 (2018) 1254e1260